Uniform Information
At Shap CE School, our uniform fosters a sense of belonging and pride. We ask all children from Reception to Year 6 to wear the following:
- Tops: Maroon sweatshirts, cardigans, or fleeces embroidered with the school logo (either the current or previous logo). Maroon or white polo shirts, with or without the school logo.
- Bottoms: Grey or black school trousers, “school shorts,” pinafores, or skirts. Maroon or red checked summer dresses are also suitable.
- Footwear: Black, leather-style shoes with black, white, or grey socks or black/grey tights.
Note: Dresses, skirts, and shorts should be a comfortable length and style for sitting on the carpet.
P.E. Kit
For health and hygiene, children should have a dedicated P.E. kit kept at school. This should be in a drawstring bag or small rucksack, including:
- Maroon shorts
- White T-shirt or polo, with or without the school logo
- Maroon hoodie or fleece, with or without the school logo
- Maroon jogging bottoms or leggings for outdoor P.E. in colder weather
- Trainers that children can fasten independently
Nursery Uniform
Uniform for nursery children is optional, with the following options:
- Tops: Yellow or purple sweatshirt and/or polo shirt, with or without the school logo
- Bottoms: Easy-to-pull-up jogging bottoms or leggings to support independence with toileting
Where to Purchase Uniforms
Items can be purchased from Sam Scotts of Penrith (01768 866961) here, where uniforms are pre-badged and available to try on. Uniforms are also available at competitive prices from local shops and supermarkets. Alternatively, you may order uniforms from Lakeland Embroidery (01768 899095).
Please ensure that all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name. For younger children or those who may not recognise their name, a small symbol or picture can be helpful.
Second-Hand Uniforms
As a school, we pride ourselves in reducing, reusing and recycling. So rather than holding once termly Pass Down Weeks, all uniform donations will now be on display in our ‘Sharing Shed’. Parents are able to browse through and take the uniform when needed. All we ask, is that a small donation is given for the items that have been taken. Parents can donate uniform items that have been outgrown and are still in excellent or very good condition which School Council Members will then sort, organise and add to the shelves.