Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Our Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCo.) is Katie Chappell.
Katie has the National Award for Special Educational Needs Coordination (NASC) qualification. Rebecca Williams, our SEND Governor, supports Katie in her role.
Documents and detailed information relating to SEND in our school can be found below within our SEND Information Report, our Accesibility Plan and our Supporting Medical Needs Policy.
Ofsted (July 2019) recognised:
'Leadership of the provision for pupils with SEND is effective. Leaders, teachers and support staff work together to identify pupils’ needs, and to secure appropriate professional advice and guidance where it is needed. Pupils with SEND benefit from well-planned support and adjustments to teaching, and make strong progress from their individual starting points. Leaders and staff know pupils and their families well. The systems they have established enable them to build up a strong picture of pupils’ individual needs, and of the factors which might have an impact on pupils’ readiness to learn. Leaders have established strong links with a range of agencies. This helps them to provide support for pupils in school, and secure appropriate external advice where necessary.'
Cumbria County Council’s SEND Information, Local Offer and Public Health Information
Cumbria County Council SEND Information
For more information about SEND information and services in Cumbria!
Cumbria Public Health 5-19 Parent Zone
Information and suppot for parents linked to the aeas of: Digital Wellbeing, Health Conditions, Healthy Weight, Mental Health and Wellbeing and Risk Taking Behaviour.
Mental Health Support
The majority of our staff have the CACHE level 2 qualification Understanding Children and Young People's Mental Health.
We teach our children The Decider Skills which use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to teach our children the skills to recognise their own thoughts, feelings and behaviours, enabling them to monitor and manage their own emotions and mental health.
For more information, please access this online information:
Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people
An Online counselling and emotional well-being services for adults and those in carers roles
Speech, Language and Communication
Autistic Spectrum Conditions
Support for Families
To contact Katie, our SENDCo about SEND, please use this form.