If you are worried that a child is at risk of immediate harm, please contact
Westmorland and Furness Safeguarding Hub on 0300 373 2724
or email
On this page, you will find links to key information, documentation and websites that are used in school to help keep children safe.
Schools and colleges in England must have regard to the Keeping Children Safe in Education document 2023 when carrying out their duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. This document is updated annually.
We employ a multi-agency working to help protect and promote the welfare of children using the Working Together to Safeguard Children Guidance
We have robust safeguarding policies and procedures established. Ofsted (July 2019) recognised:
'Governors and leaders have established a culture of safeguarding in the school. Leaders ensure that staff are well-trained to recognise signs of abuse, and follow appropriate procedures for reporting in a timely manner any concerns they may have about pupils’ welfare. Leaders work effectively with a range of agencies to share important information, and to ensure that pupils and their families receive the help and support they need. Teachers value the clear systems leaders have put in place to help them understand potential barriers to pupils’ learning. They say that these systems help them to see the ‘bigger picture’ for pupils, and provide the support that pupils need. The school’s curriculum ensures that pupils discuss relationships and develop a strong understanding of how to stay safe when online.
The school is a warm, caring environment in which pupils say they feel safe.'
All of our staff within school have completed and achieved their Safeguarding and Child Protection Level 1 (eLearning) qualification, enabling them to recognise when a child may be suffering from abuse and what to do to keep children safe. Key safeguarding members of our team are detailed below:
Role | Person Responsible |
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) | Katie Chappell |
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) |
Vicki Capstick and Julie Hunter |
Safeguarding Governor | Julie Graham |
All of our Teaching and Support Staff have completed certified Prevent Training.
The government's official definition of Prevent Duty is the legal obligation of schools to provide “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. ... In addition to teachers' safeguarding training, Prevent training is meant to alert teachers to the possibilities of “non-violent extremism”.
For further information or advice regarding safeguarding, please contact Katie Chappell, our Designated Safeguarding Lead