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May 24 - The Reception children worked collaboratively to make a class 'Treasure Island' map. They thought of imaginative places the treasure might be hidden using descriptive words and alliteration.

March 24 - The children have been following instructions when baking and cooking. They have made pancakes, egg and cress sandwiches, vegentable soup, sausage buns, krispie cakes and smoothies. They have read and ordered the instructions to create the method and make lists of equipment and ingredients.




Jan 24 - The children enjoyed pretending to be Superheroes. After reading 'Superhero ABC' they thought of Superhero names and powers. They designed themselves some amazing outfits and wrote all about it for the class display.



Nov 23 - The children were inspired by the weather and enjoyed 'Phonics in the Frost


Nov 23 - The children are enjoying the reading nest, set at the top of the indoor climbing frame. Inspired by the half termly woodland theme 'The Gruffalo's Friends'.

Oct 23 - The children's confidence in their daily phonics sessions is really growing.


Sept 23 - It is great to see the boys looking through non fiction texts and drawing designs about cars and garages using pen, paper and books set out in the construction area.



May 23 - The weekly play dough gym helps develop fine motor skills which strengthen finger muscles for holding writing tools.


March 23 - The children wrote a story with Mrs Kelsall to reflect this term's theme of 'Colours of the Rainbow' They drew upon the books they had read including 'The Colour Monster.' 'The Enormous Caterpillar,' 'The Day the Crayons Quit' and the bible story of 'Joseph and his dream coat'. They performed the story by acting, singing and dancing in their Class Worship session to parents and the school, on 15th March 2023.

Feb 23 - It it lovely to see the children enjoying writing independently.

Jan 23 - After reading the story of 'The Bear and the Picnic Lunch' the class were inspired to make their own sandwiches for a picnic. The children decided ham or cheese fillings were the best! They decided to dress up for the picnic. Can you spot Princess Elsa, Snow White, a police man and even a Mad Hatter?

The children have been writing letters to Mr Humpty the rubber plant! He came into the class needing urgent care after being pot bound. After being re-planted into a larger pot with fresh compost and talking to him to feed him their breath, the children wrote him get well cards.

Writing all about The Gruffalo in the Woodland Wonder area.

The tree top reading area is encouraging lots of reading and talking!

Nov 21 Lovely to see so many children reading 3 times or more at home! All eligible for the reading raffle, to win a book, on Friday!

Establishing a 'life long love of reading' books are everywhere in Catbells classroom!

  • The Little Red Hen
    Catbells perform The Little Red Hen as part of 'Talk for Writing' learning

We're going on a Treasure Hunt. A story adapted by the class. April 2021

RE Writing - What is Precious?